It's been over a week since I've posted. I apologize for that. Ella got sick Monday night into Tuesday (July 5th) and it went downhill from there. Recap events for those of you who aren't FB friends:
Tuesday, July 5th: Ella wakes up screaming at 0330 in the morning, burning up with a 102.2 fever. We gave her Tylenol and she fell back asleep. At 0500, her fever was stil 102.2, so I call the pedi's on-call line. We get her an appointment for 1100 that morning. Adam takes her since I had a meeting I couldn't get out of, and the doctor notices her fontanel (soft spot) is bulging. Tells us to keep an eye on it.
Wednesday, July 6th: Ella's fever is now up to 102.6, and Tylenol isn't touching it. I start Motrin - she's close enough to 6 months by this point and is weighing in at 16lbs, 12oz. - and give her a lukewarm bath. About an hour later, her fever drops to 99.2 - mommy sighs in relief. At 1030, the pediatrician's office calls and asks me to bring her in for a re-check of her fontanel. I bring her in at 1:45 and the doctor is concerned enough he sends her for an ultrasound of her noggin to see if the cause of the swelling can be found. We have it done and the doctor at the ultrasound place comes running in babbling about fluid on the brain and tells us to hightail it back to the pedi's office. Panic mode sets in, but I hold it together. Pedi tells me he's admitting her to Harrisburg Hospital and to get there stat. Oooookayyyyy.... I called Adam, who rushes over to meet me there. They immediately start bloodwork and keep up the motrin. We're spending the night to have her watched. They keep waking her up every 2 hours to take her vitals, so mommy was exhausted.
Thursday, July 7th: Sometime around 0930, her doctors come in talking about viral meningitis and the need to have a spinal tap done. My head is swimming by this point. We agreed to have the tap done and they came and got her around 1045 to start the procedure. Of course, we weren't allowed in the OR and we can hear her screaming from the hallway. This is where I lost it. Of course she pulled through fine. Then we played the waiting game for the initial results. A few hours later, we were discharged with a diagnosis of "Viral Upper Respiratory Infection." No viral meningitis. Phew. Mommy (& Daddy & all of mommy's facebook friends & real life family) are relieved! Spent the weekend with extra snuggles and TLC.
Fast Forward.....
Ella is back to 100%, though her sleep schedule was thrown off. My little peanut is feeling better, no fever, no bulging fontanel.
This parenting stuff is not for the faint of heart... there are some pretty scary moments. That being said, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love this little girl! :)
Ah, almost forgot --- Sunday marked Ella's 6 month birthday! Happy 6 months, little one! How fast the time goes!
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